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Tue Apr 2, 2024
Top Tips for getting ready for summer cruising on your canal boatNow the summer is here, that long narrowboat cruise will be in your thoughts. It can be a fun filled experience;&nb....
Fri Sep 27, 2019
Stoppages on the UK canal and River systemEngland and Wales has over 2,000 miles of Rivers and man made canals. So it's inevitable that at times the waterways may need to have rest....
Mon Jun 15, 2015
London to the Chiltern Hills. Walk,Jog, or Run it. Happening on the 27/28 June 2015A fantasticevent is going to be held on the 27th and 28th of Junealong the Grand Union Canal, whi....
Tue Mar 3, 2015
A longnarrow boat cruise can be a fun filled experience discovering new sights, exploring newareas, meeting new people and generally having a good time. BUT it won’t besuch a....
Fri Nov 15, 2013
Before you leave the marina and go on a cruise it is important that you have planned your journey. You wouldn’t go on any other type of holiday without first planning your tr....
Tue Jan 15, 2013
Half a days cruising Wilton Marina to WeedonWe are at the time of year where it is difficult to cruise as there are many stoppages on the canal and also the weather can also hamper....
Wed Oct 20, 2010
We set off on Monday evening from Whilton Marina to lock up the Buckby flight, we were joined by seven Swedish men in their forties, they were on a hire boat and did not have clue ....