1. Slow Is Better Than Fast
Only the boater understands that a slower pace of life outways the madness that most people experience every day in the fast lane. Travelling along at 4mph or even slower at times means there is no need to rush and travelling at this pace allows you to unwind and de-stress.
2. The Journey Is The Point
Cruising the canal system is what it’s all about. A non boater will not appreciate that the journey from A to B is the whole point. Travelling the system, tackling the locks and negotiating tunnels is all part of the joy of owning a narrow boat.
3. The Need To Be Eco Friendly
By nature living on a narrow boat or just being on the boat for weekends or holidays means that you are more aware of things; like how much electricity and water you are using. Boaters also understand the importance of recycling.
4. The Importance Of Caring For The Canal System
Nothing spoils a cruise more than going ‘aground’ (for non boaters; this is when the canal is too shallow and the boat is marooned on the bottom of the canal). Supporting organisations like The Inland Waterways Association, who help dredge the canals and maintain the waterways, helping keep the system in tip top condition so that boaters can enjoy cruising.
5. Knows The Difference Between A Barge And A Narrow boat
A narrow boat is a canal boat almost 7 ft wide with a maximum length of up to 72 ft and steered with a tiller. A barge is generally a larger flat-bottomed boat; built mainly for river and not self-propelled.
6. Where To Shop On The Cut
A boater soon learns where all the shops are on the cut, as well as shops and supermarkets which are easily accessible from the canal.
7. Have The Knowledge Of Boating Terms
For non-boaters the terms used by boaters can seem like a foreign language. For example ‘Breasting up’ means two or more boats moored side by side, but to a non-boater it may mean something completely different!
8. The Etiquette For Boating
Just as there is etiquette for golfing, camping or dining there is also a way of doing things on the canal. Showing consideration to other boats goes along way, as does keeping to the speed limit, sharing locks where possible, helping out when someone could do with a hand, and mooring where it’s safe and legal.
These are just a few tips to make cruising more enjoyable for everyone.