So today is the last day of the month and it is already feeling quite autumnal! Despite this summers bad weather, this month we have sold a total of 25 canal boats!
The narrowboats range from Shananagans a 2008, 60ft Traditional Style Narrowboat built by BWK Shipyards to Nipper a 1997, 30ft, Traditional Style Narrowboat built by R&D. We have also started to collate and upload our feeback from our customers by scanning it in and adding it on our website. That way you can really see how we value our customers at Whilton Marina.
If you are looking for great customer service to when you purchase or sell a narrowboat then contact us!
Below is a few pictures of the new owner and their new canal boats:

New Owner of Narrowboat Mudskipper - Laura Taylor

New Owners Narrowboat Billy & Co - Alex and Lilly

New owner of Narrowboat Bexford