For boat owners who are thinking about upgrading or selling their narrow boat, December can still be a good time to sell a used narrow boat.
Many boat owners first instinct would be to 'leave selling their boat until after Christmas' thinking that the boat will sell quicker in the Spring time. It seems like a no-brainer, everyone is far too busy buying Christmas presents to concentrate on boat buying.
But December can actually be a shrewd time to sell your narrowboat, here are our six top reasons why now might be the right time to sell.

1. We can buy your narrowboat for cash now, saving you the hassle of putting the boat on brokerage, or trying to sell the boat yourself which often takes several weeks of waiting for the right buyer to come along. You can have the cash instantly in your account as soon as we've agreed to buy the boat from you!
2.One of the busiest times of the year for boat searches on our website is between Boxing Day and New Year's Day. You need to make sure that your narrowboat is in the 'shop window' at the optimum time. Many people have a dream of owning a narrowboat and spend the Christmas Holiday period browsing the internet for available boats, just like they do a house or a holiday.
2. Given that many people will follow the conventional wisdom and not put their boats on the market in December, you will be entering a less crowded market, which will help your boat stand out, should you decide to sell your narrowboat through our brokerage sevice.
3. Many workers get their Christmas bonuses before Christmas, and in some cases make moves on the narrowboat market on the basis of those bonuses.
4. Christmas tends to be a comparatively quiet time, both on stock markets and in the political sphere. That can make boat buyers a little less jittery, which can only be a good thing.
5. If you decide you want to sell your narrowboat, why not get on with it, regardless of the time of year. Stalling can cost you more in mooring fees, and if you're not using the boat over winter you won't have to worry about leaving the boat empty and all the problems that can be associated with an empty boat and feezing winter temperatures.
6. They may be few in number, but there are some people whose idea of a perfect Christmas present to a loves one, is a narrowboat!
So you see, you don't have to wait until Spring to sell your narrowboat, you really can sell it in December!
If you want us to give you a Cash Offer for your Narrowboat, we'd love to hear from, call us now on 01327 842577 or click one of the links above to fill in our online form.
Happy Christmas from the Whilton Marina Team!