If you are not going to be using your narrow boat again this
winter, then before the frosts and cold weather arrive you should winterise her. This needs to be done to protect the boat over the winter months while you go ashore.
If you are staying aboard then you can still give her a
little TLC by checking your radiators, keel and water systems; you may need to
add some additional anti-freeze to keep them in good working order over the
colder months.

It’s also a good time to stock up on fuel. Take time to
de-clutter your boat and store away items that you might not be using over the
winter months, giving you a bit more space. Take a look through your larder
cupboard and stock up on items that have been used and not yet replaced.
What is winterisation?
Basically winterisation is preparing the boat for the
change in weather and the cold winter months ahead in order to keep the heating and water systems from freezing up and potentially causing damage.
Boats are susceptible to damage from the cold weather when they
are left empty and unlived in, so by taking a few simple measures you can help protect
the interior and exterior of your boat.
Things We Recommend You Should Do:
Out Side Jobs
This really does work so don’t overlook our first tip; cleaning and polishing the topsides will
protect your boats surface. It will stop mould and organic growth occurring on
the boats exterior deck keeping it clean and undamaged. If plant roots are
allowed to get attached to the boat, they can expand and cause the woodwork to
crack, which may then lead to leaks, so for the sake of half a days cleaning
it’s got to be worth doing.
It’s a good investment to buy your boat a canvas canopy to
protect the decking, this will stop leaves and debris settling on your deck and
also keep it water tight!
Fit an automatic bilge pump float, so if any water does get
into the bilge you will at least have peace of mind that this water will be
removed, however if you buy a canvas canopy you won’t incur this problem, soo weigh
up which option you would prefer.
If the canal freezes and passing boats go by your, this creates
movement of the broken ice sheets whiche can hit your hull and damage it. To
avoid this happening a simple solution is to hang a wooden board from secure
ropes alongside your hull. For GRP boats this technique will protect the
exterior from serious damage and for steel hulls will preserve the paintwork.
Water can rise, even on the inland canals, so be aware of
the weather in relation to your moorings and ensure ropes are of the correct
length and are secure.
Inside Jobs
A problem that all boaters have is the boat becoming
damp over the winter months when its not being used, which in turn causes
mould issues.
So where possible removal all soft furnishings; items such
as mattresses, bedding, towels, curtains and cushions should ideally be
taken ashore and stored in a warm dry place until you return to use the boat
next year. If it is not practical to remove mattresses, then stand them up so
that air can circulate and prevent them from going mouldy.
Windows are another area that can cause issues so clear out
the window drains and replace any seals that are not in good order.
Empty and
turn off the fridge/freezer leaving the door open so the air can circulate.
Empty the larder cupboards and restock with new next year.
The Engine
Change the oil and give your engine the manufacturer’s
service before locking your boat up for the winter. If you have a sealed water
system check the antifreeze and top up if necessary. If you have a raw water
system seal off the cock valve and drain the water out of the cooling jacket.
Grease the stern tube once the engine is turned off; this is
to prevent water getting into the engine room. If water builds up it could cause
your narrow boat to sink! Leave your diesel tank full so that condensation
doesn’t build up in the tank, also add fuel conditioner which you can purchase
at most good chandleries
Plumbing You want to try and aim to remove as much water from the boats water pipes. Why? To stop them bursting if
it freezes. So drain down and disconnect the water system and empty your water
tanks and calorifiers. Remove as much water as possible from your shower, and
then open up the taps allowing all the trapped water to drain away. Lag as
many of the water pipes as you can to prevent damage.
Top up with anti-freeze in sealed
heating systems like radiators connected to the boiler. Lastly remove water
filter cartridges.
Electrical and Batteries
Turn off the isolators on the battery as well as greasing
the terminals to prevent corrosion. Make time and leave the batteries fully
charged and if possible left on a float charge.
Turn off all electrical
appliances and as mentioned above, it’s advisable to leave the fridge door
slightly a jar to circulate the air, this will prevent it from going mouldy and
When all the tasks to make your boat safe for winter are completed and
you are about ready to lock up for the last time, it’s worth removing any
valuable items from the boat and taking them home with you.
Opportunist theives are
always a threat to boaters, so by removing or hiding valuable items your possessions
will be at less risk of been stolen. Look at your security and make improvements where you can.
Research what’s new on the market when it comes to boat alarms and upgrade to
the latest technology.
Lastly make sure you are fully insured just in case the
worst should happen, whether it is a break in or incident caused by the weather.
 artichoke, beetroot, broccoli, butternut squash, celeriac, celery, chicory, chillies, fennel, garlic, horseradish, jerusalem artichoke, kale, kohlrabi, leeks, lettuce & salad leaves, marrow, parsnips, potatoes (maincrop), pumpkin, radishes, rocket, runner beans, salsify, shallots, swede, sweetcorn, tomatoes, truffles (black), truffles (white), turnips, watercress, wild mushrooms apples, bilberries, blackberries, elderberries, figs, grapes, medlar, pears, quince almonds, brazil nuts, chestnuts, chives, cob nuts, hazelnuts, parsley (curly), rosemary, sage, sorrel, thyme, walnuts beef, duck, goose, grouse, guinea fowl, hare, lamb, mallard, partridge, pheasant, rabbit, turkey, venison, wood pigeon clams, cod, coley, crab, dab, dover sole, grey mullet, gurnard, haddock, halibut, hake, herring, lemon sole, lobster, mackerel, monkfish, mussels, oysters, pilchard, plaice, pollack, prawns, red mullet, sea bass (wild), sea bream, skate, squid, turbot, winkles |
THIS MONTHS TOP BOATING TIP Try and visit your boat regularly to run the engine for around an hour during the winter. This pushes the oil around and helps prevents rust. It will also help top up the battery. Remember to re-grease the stern tube if you do run the engine, as every time the propellers turn it breaks the seal. While you're there you should also pump out rainwater and clear the cockpit drains. |
.png) October, 2017 Daily Holidays, Special and Wacky Days:
What’s happening in October?
1 Oct International Coffee Day, 1 Oct Balloons Around the World Day, 2 Oct Phileas Fogg Wager Day, 4 Oct Taco Day, 5 Oct Chic Spy Day, 6 Oct World Smile Day, 6 Oct Mad Hatter Day, 7 Oct Card Making Day, 7 Oct Frappé Day, 8 Oct Pierogi Day, 9 Oct Curious Events Day, 10 Oct Handbag Day, 11 Oct It's My Party Day, 12 Oct Old Farmers Day, 13 Oct International Skeptics Day, 15 Oct I Love Lucy Day, 16 Oct Dictionary Day, 16 Oct National Clean Out Your Virtual Desktop Day, 17 Oct Wear Something Gaudy Day, 18 Oct Chocolate Cupcake Day, 20 Oct International Sloth Day, 21 Oct Count your Buttons Day, 22 Oct Caps Lock Day, 23 Oct Mole Day, 24 Oct Bologna Day, 25 Oct Sourest Day, 26 Oct Howl at the Moon Day and Night, 27 Oct American Beer Day, 28 Oct International Observe the Moon Night, 28 Oct International Animation Day, 29 Oct Internet Day, 30 Oct Candy Corn Day, 31 Oct Magic Day |
We will definitely be celebrating International Coffee Day and Chocolate Cupcake Day! |
The Big draw - Llanymynech 1st October 2017, 2pm to 5pm Underhill Farm, Pant
Come along and get creative at the Big Draw in Llanymynech.
The Big draw - Llanymynech 1st October 2017, 2pm to 5pm Underhill Farm, Pant
Come along and get creative at the Big Draw in Llanymynech.
Natasha Langridge to perform, 'In memory of leaves' on a widebeam barge at three docks across the capital 4th October 2017, 7:30pm to 21st October 2017, 9:30pm Various locations across London
Head along watch Natasha Langridge perform 'In memory of leaves' at three special locations across London.
South Northamptonshire Art Trail 7th October 2017, 10am to 15th October 2017, 5pm The Canal Museum, Stoke Bruerne
Head along to the Canal Museum this October and enjoy this year's South Northamptonshire Art Trail.
Idle Women boot camp for surviving and thriving skills (St Helens) 7th October 2017, 11am to 18th November 2017, 2pm St Helens (Exact location TBC)
Come along to Idle Women's boot camp for surviving and thriving skills.
Eco Trail Trekker 15th October 2017 Carnegie Campus, Headingly,
Come along and enter a team in the Leeds based Eco Trail Trekker event. Raising vital funds for the Canal & River Trust
Eco Trail Trekker 15th October 2017 Carnegie Campus, Headingly,
Come along and enter a team in the Leeds based Eco Trail Trekker event. Raising vital funds for the Canal & River Trust.
Lighting up Limekiln Lock 19th October 2017, 6pm to 9pm Limekiln Lock, River Soar
Come and join us lighting up Limekiln Lock.
Stourbridge Navigation Trust Open Weekend 21st October 2017, 10am to 22nd October 2017, 5pm The Bonded Warehouse
Head along to the Bonded Warehouse where Stourbridge Navigation Trust will hold their Open Weekend.
The Big Draw - Stoke Bruerne 25th October 2017, 11am to 4pm Stoke Bruerne, The Canal Museum
Everyone is invited to join the world's biggest drawing festival. Draw, doodle, sketch, paint or just make meaningful marks.
Anderton firework spectacular 28th October 2017, 6:30pm to 9pm Anderton Boat Lift
Book your tickets now for Anderton's ever-popular firework spectacular!