If you are thinking about spending the Christmas holidays on your boat you need to be prepared and remember that Christmas aboard will be a bit different to a Christmas holiday spent on the land.

Be mindful that there is obviously limited space on board and therefore a large gathering isn't going to be possible, but meeting friends and family at another location is probably the best choice so you're not all on top of each other.
One of the great things about spending Christmas aboard is the simplicity of it all. With limited space the last thing you want to be trying to do is getting a Christmas tree onboard, so that task can be immediately taken off the to do list! Now this doesn't mean you can't have a few decorations on board, but decorating the whole interior and exterior of your boat doesn't have to be a major part and parcel of your celebrations. Instead keep things simple by adding some battery operated fairy lights and a few choice decorations to create a Christmassy atmosphere.

Food is the next topic we should cover, you may decide you want to create the traditional Christmas dinner on your boat, which is totally possible (check your oven size before buying the turkey though!) but for those that want an easier day why not book a table at the local pub/restaurant? Make sure you book in advance as popular places get booked up very quickly. Eating out also means a walk back to the boat will help work off a few calories!!
Make sure you stock up well, ready for a weeks cruising, there's nothing worse than realising you don't have any cranberry sauce as you are carving up the turkey or worse still you run out of fuel!
Follow these simple steps whether you are cruising or mooring to ensure the boat will run efficiently over the winter;
• Fill up your diesel tank to ensure you have enough fuel
• Have around 30% of anti-freeze in your water and heating system
• Ensure you have enough solid fuel for your stove
• Make sure your pipes are well insulated to prevent burst pipes
• Check the batteries are in good working order
• Make sure the boat is well ventilated to reduce the chance of condensation arising.
• When mooring protect the hull by hanging planks of wood alongside the boat to prevent ice slabs bumping into your hull.
• If you are unable to cruise and get stuck for a period of time, then you will need to have a backup service if you use a pump out loo. Carry a cassette toilet to use as a back-up should you be unable to empty the pump out toilet.
Find out more about winter cruising here
Hiring a narrow boat for Christmas
If you don't own a boat, but fancy spending the Christmas period on the waterways check out these companies that are still operating over the winter period. Find out more about spending Christmas on a narrowboat in this link
Santa cruises for the little ones!
Enjoy a festive boat trip with Santa and your family and friends on the many waterways in the UK. Santa cruises will be taking place in Derbyshire, Sussex, Cheshire, Nottinghamshire, London, North Yorkshire, Merseyside, Leeds and Gloucestershire. Find out more here
Are you thinking about buying or selling in the new year?
If 2018 is the year you wish to either buy, sell or part exchange your narrow boat then we hope you all consider working with us.
Let us help take the stress out of finding a new narrowboat by providing you with the best service around. Buying and selling narrowboats is basically what we do best and our experienced staff are available 7 days a week to assist you. We can hold your hand all the way through the buying process and give you the best advice to ensure you buy the right boat.
When it comes to choosing a narrow boat there are some styles that you will love and some you will hate. Generally speaking there are 3 types of sterns on a narrow boat. You can choose to purchase; the traditional, the semi traditional or the cruiser. Then there’s the tug and the Dutch barge, which aren’t as popular. Read our article about narrow boat styles to help you decide which one is going to be right for you.
There are a few different options to how you can finance buying a narrow boat find out more in this article
 In season this month:
beetroot, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, celeriac, celery, chicory, horseradish, jerusalem artichoke, kale, kohlrabi, leeks, parsnips, potatoes (maincrop), salsify, shallots, swede, truffles (black, truffles (white) turnips, wild mushrooms apples, clementines, cranberries,passion fruit, pears, pineapple, pomegranate, satsumas, tangerines almonds, brazil nuts, chestnuts, hazelnuts, walnuts duck, goose, grouse, guinea fowl, hare, mallard, partridge, pheasant, rabbit, turkey, venison clams, cod, coley, dab, dover sole, gurnard, haddock, halibut, hake, langoustine, lemon sole, lobster, mackerel, monkfish, mussels, oysters, plaice, red mullet, scallops (queen), sea bass (wild), sea bream, skate, turbot, winkles |
.png) December, 2017 Daily Holidays, Special and Wacky Days:
What’s happening in December? 1 Dec Friday Eat a Red Apple Day, 2 Dec Saturday Fritters Day, 3 Dec Sunday Make a Gift Day (MKE YOUR LOVED ONES SOMETHING SPECIAL), 4 Dec Monday Wear Brown Shoes Day, 5 Dec Tuesday Day of the Ninja, 6 Dec Wednesday Put on Your Own Shoes Day, 6 Dec Wednesday Microwave Oven Day, 7 Dec Thursday Letter Writing Day 9 (GOOD DAY TO DO THE CHRISTMAS CARDS) 8 Dec Friday Pretend to Be a Time Traveler Day, 8 Dec Friday Official Lost and Found Day, 9 Dec Saturday Christmas Card Day (POST YOUR CARDS TODAY), 10 Dec Sunday Dewey Decimal System Day, 10 Dec Sunday Jane Addams Day, 11 Dec Monday Noodle Ring Day, 12 Dec Tuesday Gingerbread House Day, 13 Dec Wednesday Christmas Jumper Day, 14 Dec Thursday Monkey Day, 15 Dec Friday Free Shipping Day, 16 Dec Saturday Chocolate Covered Anything Day, 17 Dec Sunday Wright Brothers Day, 19 Dec Tuesday Underdog Day, 19 Dec Tuesday Ugly Sweater Day, 20 Dec Wednesday Sangria Day, 21 Dec Thursday International Dalek Remembrance Day, 22 Dec Friday Date Nut Bread Day, 24 Dec Sunday Eggnog Day, 25 Dec Monday Grav Mass Day, 25 Dec Monday A'phabet Day or No "L" Day, 26 Dec Tuesday Thank You Note Day, 27 Dec Wednesday No Interruptions Day, 28 Dec Thursday Card Playing Day, 29 Dec Friday Pepper Pot Day, 30 Dec Saturday Bicarbonate of Soda Day, 31 Dec Sunday Make Up Your Mind Day |
25th December - Christmas Day! |
Manchester Open Weekend - Rochdale Canal 2nd December 2017, 10am to 3rd December 2017, 4pm
Manchester city centre
Come along and meet the experts at Rochdale Canal Open Day. Find out more about what it takes for us to look after this busy stretch of canal running through the heart of Manchester City centre, and get involved in a range of activities and events we have on offer throughout the weekend.
Milton Keynes Illuminated Boat Festival 2nd December 2017, 3pm to 9pm
Grand Union
As the Milton Keynes 50th birthday celebrations come to an end, join us for an afternoon and evening of festive fun at Milton Keynes first ever illuminated boat festival.
Christmas cruises at the National Waterways Museum, Ellesmere Port 9th December 2017
National Waterways Museum Ellesmere Port
Book your tickets now. As Christmas approaches Father Christmas will be taking to the water with cruises on our special boat trips...
Foxton Illuminated Boat Festival - Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th December 2017 at 2pm-7pm Glenrothes - Foxton Locks, £5 per adult, under 12's free, buy your tickets in advance from the Canal and River Trust.