Britain Faces Artic Conditions This
Winter Are You and Your Narrow Boat Ready?!

It seems we
are heading towards a cold snap.
It has been
reported that we are in for a very cold period starting very soon. The start of what could be a very cold spell of heavy snow,
thick frosts, fog, freezing gales and sub-zero temperatures may be just around
the corner.
After an unusually good summer and mild conditions recently this
change in weather is going to be a shock to the system.
The weather
forecasters are warning that February 2015 could see record breaking lows and
parts of the country could actually drop to -27C (-17F).
With this is
in mind it’s more important than ever to be ready for this bad spell of weather
we have been promised! If you have spent a winter on a narrowboat historically
you will appreciate that planning and preparation is the key to surviving the
winter, and with the Artic conditions forecast to be with us in a matter of
weeks now is the time to get yourself and boat ready.
Protect Yourself
yourself in good health is paramount this winter, keep yourself warm and well.
Health risks this time of year include colds, the flu, cold sores, cold hands,
sore throats, the winter vomiting bug – norovirus, painful joints, depression
and dry skin just to name a few ailments that can reduce us to having to go
back to bed.
Keeping warm
and taking care of yourself can help keep these conditions at bay. If you are
over 65, on a low income or have health issues already you will be more
vulnerable to these illnesses.
Make sure
you eat well food is a vital source of energy which helps keep you warm, take
regular meals and top up with hot drinks. Dress for the conditions wrap up warm,
layer your clothes and wear shoes/boots that grip when you need to go outside. Keep
active in your boat as much as possible.

Last winter
2012/13 in the UK, there were 31,000 deaths linked to the cold weather that’s a
big number!
neighbourly this winter and check on your fellow boaters; make sure they have
everything they need.
Make sure
you have a good supply of solid fuel, food and medication.
Protect Your Narrowboat
The next port of call is
to make sure your boat is fighting fit too! Whether you intend to liveaboard
this winter or go ashore, your boat will need some TLC.