How to get the most out of your stay on the towpath
If you are a boat owner or someone who is either hiring
or borrowing a narrow boat, you will at some point need to moor along the towpath
if you go out cruising. This stay may be for a short period of time or for a longer
period of time, but it’s worth knowing the things you should
and shouldn’t do when tied up along the canal side.

A lot of what we have included in our list is common
sense, but keeping these recommendations fresh in your mind for the next time
your stop on the towpath will ensure that you and other users behave
in a responsible manner and everyone gets to enjoy our beautiful canals.
Because boats don’t have brakes, you need to give
yourself plenty of time to stop. So don’t rush at the bank when you come to
moor up. Here you can find more advice on “how to moor and tie up your
Noise - Don't spoil the tranquility of the countryside by booming out your music or by continuously shouting. Respect that others may not want to listen to you and your crew.
Don’t be a litter bug.There are plenty of bins at
marinas, moorings and along the waterway so please ensure that you deposit your
rubbish responsibly. Under no circumstances is it appropriate to throw rubbish into the canal.
Rope tying: Put something light coloured, a carrier bag
is ideal, on top of the pins so that walkers and cyclists can see them clearly. You
need to tie the boat to the bank with a rope from both the front and the back.
Instruct your crew to step ashore – not jump!
Don’t mistreat your ropes; make sure you know how to use
them properly and keep them coiled, free of knots – and don’t drop them into the
Don’t swim in waterways, it can be dangerous and not
worth the risk.
Don’t moor near;
- The approach of a lock or in lock flights
- Near swing or lift bridges
- Weirs
- Sharp bends
- Blind spots
- At turning points
- Close to Marina entrances or
at junctions
If any signage prohibits you
- Don't Moor in a way that it makes
it awkward or difficult for other canal users to manoeuvre or pass you
- On private property
- At water points – unless
filling up your water tanks

Use the designated mooring rings or bollards then you
can just use your ropes to secure the boat.
Be considerate to other users on the towpath, you may be
making this space your home for a short period of time (up to 14 days no
longer), but remember walkers, fishermen and cyclists will also want to use the towpath as
well. With this in mind make sure you don’t take up the path with your
belongings restricting access to others.
Please keep the space free for other boaters needing to
use the facilities on the towpath. Mooring up at water points,
refuse and sewage disposal points is strictly limited to the time it takes to
use the facility.
Do make friends and get to know people in the area.
Do support the local canal side businesses and local
Do clear up after your dog.
When staying on the towpath remember to shut gates
behind you, keep to footpaths, don’t light fires and respect the wildlife.
Do display your licence.
Please respect the time limits! - A short period means
up to 14 days, or less if there's a sign along the bank indicating something
Adhere to any mooring notices.
Try to stay 50 feet away from angling spots.
Leave room for other boats to tie up.
Keep an eye out for trouble-makers. In some urban areas
boaters can be a target for vandals, trouble makers and thieves, so be aware.
If the area doesn’t seem safe or feel right then move on there are plenty of
places to moor.
Remember that you can use your anchor for added security
or extra help in a strong stream or tide – but you should still use mooring
ropes as well.
And finally - Do enjoy your stay and recommend beauty
spots to other boaters.
Newbies should invest in some canal guides before
setting off to familiarise themselves with the area they intend to cruise. This
will give them the heads up to the new territory they are going to explore, and it
will give the crew an insight into the trip and make the journey more pleasant
for all aboard.
free to pass on our helpful list to your friends and family…
Our blog is for information purposes only and Whilton
Marina cannot accept any liability.